Baby Massage, Yoga & Baby Signing
Baby Massage, Baby Yoga & Baby Signing classes taught by Sue Clutterbuck across Dorset
5 Week Course
From birth to crawling (for class you may prefer from 6 weeks)
This course aims to provide you with the skills to massage your baby and to give you a better understanding of your babies non-verbal cues.
The course enhances and promotes positive skin to skin contact through Baby Massage to enhance the baby-parent bond.
4 Week Course
From 3 months onwards
This course aims to provide you with the skills and knowledge to safely practice yoga exercises with your baby.
Baby Yoga is a wonderful follow on from Baby Massage as we introduce more energetic and stimulating yoga exercises.
Baby Signing
4 Week Courses (Weeks 1-4) (Weeks 5-8)
From 6 months to 2 years of age
Based on British Sign Language (BSL), this course aims to provide you with the skills and knowledge to effectively communicate with your baby before they can talk.
One to one sessions are available in the comfort of your own home.
I am happy to travel to you within the Dorset location.
For more information and to book please contact me directly.
I am available to you as an NCT group or similar.
Maximum number 6.
Discount for the host if hosting in their home!
Massage for Premature Babies & Additional Needs
Specialist Baby Massage support, offered to parents with premature babies or babies with special & additional needs.
I offer support during this emotional journey for parents, through positive touch, the parents are taught adapted Baby Massage techniques and routines to suit the needs of their baby.
A voucher for a baby massage or baby yoga course makes a wonderful gift for a new parent!
For more information please contact me directly.