Baby Signing

4 Week Courses (Weeks 1-4) (Weeks 5-8)
From 6 months to 2 years of age

Based on British Sign Language (BSL), this course aims to provide you with the skills and knowledge to effectively communicate with your baby before they can talk.

Baby signs are simple gestures that you add to your normal speech when you are talking to your baby. Introducing simple signs into your baby’s life allows your baby to express themselves clearly. This simple and effective form of communication enlightens you of their needs, wants and feelings, reducing frustrations for both parent and baby.

Delivered through music, singing, rhymes and sensory play, Baby Signing sessions are both beneficial and fun!

This course includes the following:
Course Structure:
Weeks 1-4 Weeks 5-8
Week 1 - Basics/Meal Time Week 5 - Transport
Week 2 – Nappy/Bath Time Week 6 – Health/Emotions
Week 3 – Getting Dressed Week 7 - Weather
Week 4 – Bed Time Week 8 - Family

* Key signs are introduced during the first four sessions, therefore it is recommended to complete weeks 1-4 before commencing weeks 5-8.

Benefits of Baby Signing:
Upcoming Dates & Venues
Course Weeks Venue Dates Day Time