Motherhood is a miracle.
Becoming a mother is one of the most exciting journeys in life.
It was whilst working on the NHS Health Visiting team, I became passionate about the mother and baby attachment and bonding process. I felt privileged to be part of a womens journey, building up a rapport antenatally, through to birth and beyond. Having qualified as an accredited TouchLearn Baby Massage & Baby Yoga Teacher in 2007 my passion was to build on this wonderful relationship and journey with a women, from her pregnancy through to welcoming her and her baby to Baby Massage & Baby Yoga classes.
Having qualified as a Pregnancy & Post Natal Yoga teacher with Sally Parkes, I have achieved my aim.
My whole ethos is to bring and unite these women together, to connect and empower them, to give them the confidence to go forth with their baby, safely into this world.
Pregnancy Yoga Classes
A quiet, safe yoga practice for you to relax, rest and connect with your baby.
You will focus on Yoga Asanas that are safe and beneficial for practice during pregnancy, whilst focusing on breathing practices and techniques in preparation for labour and birth.
(Suitable from second trimester, week 13)
Workshops for Couples
During this relaxing workshop, you and your birthing partner will learn breathing techniques, yoga movements and postures that are beneficial during labour and birth.
The workshop is a time for you to work together, to give you the knowledge and confidence to prepare for the birth and a time for you to connect as a couple with your baby
(Suitable for third trimester, weeks 29-40)
Post Natal Yoga Classes
Post Natal Yoga
A nurturing session for you to recover from pregnancy and birth, whilst building on restoring energy and hormonal balance to the body.
Incorporating gentle stretching and strengthening postures whilst introducing gentle core stability work for the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.
(Suitable from 6 weeks post natal)
1:1 Sessions
One to one sessions offered in the comfort of your own home or a venue suited to you.
I utilise venues in Poundbury/Dorchester/Blandford & Broadstone for your convenience.
For more information and to book please contact me directly.